Professional Partnerships

Icing Images

Icing Images has been in the edible printing business for over 25 years. Based in Winchester, Virginia, they have become an industry leader where technology meets food. I have been a brand ambassador for Icing Images since 2023, teaching monthly classes on Facebook Live covering all things edible tech. Sometimes Icing Images will even ask for my assistance supporting their customers, especially when working with Mac-based customers.

Demonstrating how to use edible printing and edible machine cutting

American Cake Awards 2023 with the Icing Images Travel Team

The sweet chalet shoppe

The Sweet Chalette Shoppe is Central Florida’s place to go for bakery supplies and education. Based in Sanford, Florida, they supply some of Florida’s best sugar artists, bakeries, home bakers, and hobby bakers alike. With a classroom large enough to comfortably sit 12–20 students (including all their decorating kit), some of the best sugar artists in the world make regular stops to teach there. Sometimes you can even catch The Edible Tech Guru teaching in-person classes there.

Edible Tech Guru LLC is proud to be a decorator instructor, product tester, and occasional tech support guy for The Sweet Chalette Shoppe.

Cookie-A-Thon & The Colorful Cookie

Cookie-A-Thon is one of the world’s largest online events when it comes to learning to decorate cookies. Started over ten years ago by Nancy Westfall of The Colorful Cookie, this event has drawn millions of viewers wanting to learn how to decorate cookies. Cookie-A-Thon 2024 was my first year as an instructor, where I taught how to create a custom cookie cutter using Autodesk Fusion. This class was designed to be accessible to all users regardless of their technical background.

Edible Tech Guru LLC is proud to partner with Cookie-A-Thon to provide approachable education on using technology in the cookie decoration space.

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